I've been bad. Not only did I manage to recruit some new members into the bento cult recently, but I've been dreadfully remiss in packing bento of my own. And we won't get into my horrible eating habits lately. We'll just blame it on the tax-season monster. :P
Sundays are usually my day to sleep in, read, watch tv, do groceries and cook. That doesn't sound very relaxing, does it? Strangely, it is for me. Anyway, today I knew that I needed to do some pre-emptive advance cooking for the week so that I had fewer excuses for not packing lunch and sneaking off to Subway or living off frozen crap instead. My strategies today entailed cooking a batch of brown rice and steaming some veggies for lunches and cooking one desi-style dish for dinners. Well, I managed to do it all somehow!
Tomorrow's "3 B" bento consists of oven-baked brown rice (I'll do a recipe review later), broccoli steamed in soy sauce, crushed red pepper, and some garlic, and some leftover rotisserie chicken from Publix. So we have brown rice and broccoli -- what's the third "B?" I could be lame and say it's for "bought" chicken. Or I could be equally lame and say it's for "boring" since this is the epitome of a diet-y lunch. Whatever, I'll let you decide!
Oh and as for the desi-style dish I cooked -- it's aachar gosht, which is meat cooked in Indian pickling spices. I will definitely do a recipe review for this in the next few days.